fredag 30 november 2007

Release: Balp Build - 18.5.3 - u

A build for Second Life 18.5.3 with the addition of Nicholaz patches. It needs a install of SL 18.3.5 Linux version to run.


balp@kitiara:~$ tar jxf SecondLife_i686_1_18_5_3.tar.bz2
balp@kitiara:~$ tar jxf balp-build-u.tar.bz2

Then start Second life from that directory with:

balp@kitiara:~$ cd SecondLife_i686_1_18_5_3/
balp@kitiara:~/SecondLife_i686_1_18_5_3$ ./balp-secondlife

Patches at the same place for download.

Feed back on the build to me, anders (at)

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