fredag 18 april 2008

Blinking IM tags

There will soon, really soon be a new EC-ea realeas with a patch tyo make the IM tab's flashing again appear in a sensible manner. I did have time to test the final version of the patch before leaving for work. But hopefully it will work great. I hope this will make a good patch to close VWR-4575.

The code containd three small changes that make SL so much easier.

  • Make all tabs flash at the same time. This was teh behaivour before 1.19 and the "ButtonFlashCount" could not be used as work around for this.

  • Make value less that 1 on "ButtonFlashCount" have the buttons flash for ever, not that the offical viewer took values like -1 meaing 0 flashes.

  • "ButtonFlashCount" now have default value of -1 making flashed go on forever

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