torsdag 3 december 2009

Emerald for linux

Update: Discrete got the official build out.

I have the Emerald 1101 build for Linux, it's build optimiced for Ubuntu 9.04 and newer, I have tested on 9.04 and 9.10. On 9.10 it works badly at least for me with pulseaudio, removing pulseaudio and it works well. (sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio;sudo apt-get install esound).

Installation is like:

tar jxf Emerald-i686-

This will get it running, but voice is missing and the graphis uses the much slower OpenJPEG library. These have to be copied form the official viewer, or is you have the old emerals voice pack.

With the old Emerals voice pack:
cd Emerald-i686-
tar jxf ../Emerald\ Non-Free\ Binaries.tar.bz2

With out that:
tar jxf SecondLife-i686-
cd SecondLife-i686-
cp bin/ bin/SLVoice lib/ lib/ lib/ lib/ ../Emerald-i686-
cd ..

Some checksums to verify:
55ed30949cbc23d03e691821a7fa5c75a00c6dbb065bbce1f161cf968cc43938 Emerald-i686-

GnuPG signature, it's signed with my new key:

pub 1024D/79B24AB7 2009-11-30 [expires: 2014-11-29]
Key fingerprint = 92CF B806 5127 2ED0 7882 61F1 B5B4 7749 79B2 4AB7
uid Anders Arnholm (Balp)

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