torsdag 30 april 2009

And an other new viewer

Boy Lane, made some changes in the CoolViewer, and so was Rainbow Viewer born. As boy only make windows code, and I would guess the interest for this version is about 0, form Henri. I decided to take it to linux. Now ready to be downloaded form google.

I made some small changes to make the install easy. For the first time, well the first time in know of, SecondLife third party viewer have voice, and kdu support without breaking the licence agreements and NO extra install steps.

Install by:

balp@goldmoon:/tmp$ wget
balp@goldmoon:/tmp$ tar jxf RainbowViewer-i686-

Run by:

balp@goldmoon:/tmp$ ./RainbowViewer-i686-

First time you start the viewer some missing stuff will be found on the internetz and added to the installation. It's a 36Meg download. So it might take some extra time. I'm sorry i can't add these few files. If you like to save the download on a slow line and have an other version of SecondLife installed copy the following files in to the RainbowViewer-i686- directory.


Given my reading of licence agreement these 5 files are not re distributable by me.

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