torsdag 23 oktober 2008

måndag 20 oktober 2008

Build BE-x

Balp Build version of 1.18.5 (3), same as Nicholaz BE-x with a minor fix in region transfers.

$ wget
$ wget
$ tar jxf SecondLife_i686_1_18_5_3.tar.bz2
$ tar jxf balp-build-x.tar.bz2
$ cd SecondLife_i686_1_18_5_3
$ ./balp-secondlife

Patches are here.

torsdag 9 oktober 2008

BalpBuild OS-p1

Balp Build version of 1.18.0 (6), same as Nicholaz OS-pWith back ported Security fixes from LL 1.20.17.

$ wget
$ wget
$ tar jxf SecondLife_i686_1_18_0_6.tar.bz2
$ tar jxf balp-build-os-p1.tar.bz2
$ cd SecondLife_i686_1_18_0_6
$ ./balp-secondlife

Patches are here.

BalpBuild BE-w1

Balp Build version of 1.18.5 (3), same as Nicholaz BE-wWith back ported Security fixes from LL 1.20.17.

$ wget
$ wget
$ tar jxf SecondLife_i686_1_18_5_3.tar.bz2
$ tar jxf balp-build-w1.tar.bz2
$ cd SecondLife_i686_1_18_5_3
$ ./balp-secondlife

Patches are here.

BalpBuild EC-h

Balp Build version of 1.19.1 (4), same as Nicholaz EC-f, with a fix for VWR-4575, as discussed in. And backported Security fix of LL 1.20.17, the version -g missed the UDPBalcklist stuff and works with old versions of OpenSIM. This build -h have thet change as well.

$ wget
$ wget
$ tar jxf SecondLife_i686_1_19_1_4.tar.bz2
$ tar jxf balp-build-ec-h.tar.bz2
$ cd SecondLife_i686_1_19_1_4
$ ./balp-secondlife

Patches are here.

tisdag 7 oktober 2008

BalpBuild EC-g

Balp Build version of 1.19.1 (4), same as Nicholaz EC-f, with a fix for VWR-4575, as discussed in. And backported Security fix of LL 1.20.15,

$ wget
$ wget
$ tar jxf SecondLife_i686_1_19_1_4.tar.bz2
$ tar jxf balp-build-ec-f.tar.bz2
$ cd SecondLife_i686_1_19_1_4
$ ./balp-secondlife

Patches are here.

söndag 13 juli 2008

torsdag 3 juli 2008

Asus EEE :-)

Har skaffat en ny dator för att kunna ha med på semestern. En liten Asus EEE snygg liten sak in med kortläsare och en bra blogg maskin.

lördag 28 juni 2008

Svensexa för brorsan

Är med lillebror på svensexa ute på brustholmarna

lördag 21 juni 2008

Nordens ark besök

Så tar det till slut dags att ta sig förbi nordens ark djurparken. Jag, Linda, Bosse och Ingrid ägnade halva dagen åt att vandra runt parken.

fredag 20 juni 2008


Sol och regn om vart annat under midsommar lunch med tapas av allt

fredag 18 april 2008

Balp Build EC-ae

Balp Build version of 1.19.1 (4), same as Nicholaz EC-e, with a fix for VWR-4575, as discussed in.

$ wget
$ wget
$ tar jxf SecondLife_i686_1_19_1_4.tar.bz2
$ tar jxf balp-build-ec-ea.tar.bz2
$ cd SecondLife_i686_1_19_1_4
$ ./balp-secondlife

The irritating IM tab bling bug still havn't been fixed. I was a hot issue 11 of feburary, on RC0, today we had two code releases after that and they still don't have a working forx for it. You can make it party work in a debug setting, but with that all tabs blink out of order making it annoying to look at.

Blinking IM tags

There will soon, really soon be a new EC-ea realeas with a patch tyo make the IM tab's flashing again appear in a sensible manner. I did have time to test the final version of the patch before leaving for work. But hopefully it will work great. I hope this will make a good patch to close VWR-4575.

The code containd three small changes that make SL so much easier.

  • Make all tabs flash at the same time. This was teh behaivour before 1.19 and the "ButtonFlashCount" could not be used as work around for this.

  • Make value less that 1 on "ButtonFlashCount" have the buttons flash for ever, not that the offical viewer took values like -1 meaing 0 flashes.

  • "ButtonFlashCount" now have default value of -1 making flashed go on forever

torsdag 17 april 2008

Balp Build EC-e

Balp Build version of 1.19.1 (4), same as Nicholaz EC-e

$ wget
$ wget
$ tar jxf SecondLife_i686_1_19_1_4.tar.bz2
$ tar jxf balp-build-ec-e.tar.bz2
$ cd SecondLife_i686_1_19_1_4
$ ./balp-secondlife

The irritating IM tab bling bug still havn't been fixed. I was a hot issue 11 of feburary, on RC0, today we had two code releases after that and they still don't have a working forx for it. You can make it party work in a debug setting, but with that all tabs blink out of order making it annoying to look at.

fredag 7 mars 2008

Balp Build -w for 1.19.0 (5)

Balp Build version of 1.19.0 (5), no major changes to the GUI but many stability fixes.

$ wget
$ wget
$ tar jxf SecondLife_i686_1_18_6_77495_WINDLIGHT.tar.bz2
$ tar jxf balp-build-w.tar.bz2
$ cd SecondLife_i686_1_19_0_5
$ chmod +x balp-secondlife
$ wget
$ ./balp-secondlife

There are some irritating bug's left to fix, VWR-4575 IM tabs no longer blink when new IM text is received. A so called hot, issue at LL since 1.19.0.RC1. But LL have been working getting this back and we'll probably get it in 6 months, that's about the same time if took to get the friends list out of the communication window.

torsdag 24 januari 2008

Balp Build: WL-c

Windlight is now out in version 77495, and I added the patches from the previews version and it runs. So here you go.

$ wget
$ wget
$ tar jxf SecondLife_i686_1_18_6_77495_WINDLIGHT.tar.bz2
$ tar jxf balp-build-wl-c.tar.bz2
$ cd SecondLife_i686_1_18_6_77495_WINDLIGHT
$ chmod +x balp-secondlife
$ ./balp-secondlife

I assume the problem with gtk and file dialog on suse still exist, this is made on ubuntu 7.10 and tested in that environment. I think the wrapper now is executable (e.g. chmod +x) isn't needed, I'm not sure i understand the moon problem correct yet, and to be honest i have no time to look into what the windlight code actually does.

måndag 14 januari 2008

Relese: Balp Build WL-B

Windlight is now out in version 76886, and I added the patches from the previus version and it runs. So here you go.

$ wget
$ wget
$ tar jxf SecondLife_i686_1_18_6_76886_WINDLIGHT.tar.bz2
$ tar jxf balp-build-wl-a.tar.bz2

I assume the problem with gtk and file dialog on suse still exist, this is made on ubuntu 7.10 and tested in that enviroment.